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We’re a knowledgeable, trustworthy, and responsive team dedicated to helping your organization harness the full potential of automation software solutions.

Maximize productivity and empower your people by automating data-driven processes.

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With a trusted partner like KeyMark, implementing automation into your business has never been more easy or effective.


Scan and store document information in a centralized, secure and accessible place.


Scan and store document information in a centralized, secure and accessible place.
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Case Management & Workflow

Create a 360-Degree view of your project. OnBase dynamic case management software equips you to gather content, manage documents and track history.

Case Management & Workflow

Create a 360-Degree view of your project. OnBase dynamic case management software equips you to gather content, manage documents and track history.
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Artificial Intelligence

Improve innovation, customer services, and access to actionable data with true no-code programming, unstructured data search, and intelligent document processing.

Artificial Intelligence

Improve innovation, customer services, and access to actionable data with true no-code programming, unstructured data search, and intelligent document processing.
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Robotic Process Automation

Use this software to complete digital tasks, so your staff can focus on what’s mission critical.

Robotic Process Automation

Use this software to complete digital tasks, so your staff can focus on what’s mission critical.
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Process Intelligence

Find and eliminate process bottlenecks and slow-downs.

Process Intelligence

Find and eliminate process bottlenecks and slow-downs.
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Professional Services

Tap into industry-leading systems integration and support.

Professional Services

Tap into industry-leading systems integration and support.
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Why choose KeyMark?

We’ve been a trusted guide in the automation space for over 25 years.

Think of us as the Gandalf to your Frodo – we know the tips and tricks of integrating different automation systems to create a total solution that works best for your needs. And we’re here for support every step of the way!

Don't just take our word for it...

Where can we help?

Our customers span industries and departments. From accounts payable to insurance carriers, financial institutions and hospitals, to your back-office operations of AP, AR, HR, and beyond. We’re evolving operations on an enterprise level.

How do I get started?

Our experienced team is ready to guide you! We’ll even assist with implementing a plan to manage internal buy-in challenges. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Talk to an automation expert

Receive a customized KeyMark plan

Transform the way you work

We make it our business to know yours. We’re easy to reach, quick to respond, and believe that earning your trust means being excellent in the little things each and every day.

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What do you get with KeyMark's support plans.

What’s the Value in KeyMark Support?

Award-winning Extended Support We’ve extensively covered the value in a value-added reseller, and one of the major claims is the addition of implementation, training, and award-winning lifetime support. But what makes KeyMark support “award-winning”, why are our support teams consistently ranked in the highest echelon of partner programs, and —

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Content Services and CSPs are a natural evolution of enterprise content management.

What is a Content Services Platform?

What are Content Services? Content Services is the logical evolution of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions in today’s cloud-native, mobile technology stack. Fundamentally, cloud content service platforms (CSPs) shift the focus from document management in a single hub, to integrated services delivered directly to the applications where end users spend

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